Thursday, May 17, 2012

Woo - Woo! Got My Camera!

I took a bunch of pictures! Then I realized my SD card thing that makes it plug into my desktop to upload pics is missing...dang. Well I'll just have to use a USB and my fax machine for pictures. Giovanni is no the next post...On the bright side though my birthday is in a couple days, the 19th! Another year of awesomeness comes and I get to drive with a real license four weeks after the fact.

Chicken on the left was one of a previous flock. His name was "Taco" he costed $5. He was a buff silkie rooster whom wasn't beared and carried the brocilitus gene (the ends of his outer toes were missing)


After two years the old Toshiba laptop cropped over and died, piece of crap...lost a lot of stuff on that laptopLegalistics of copyright perhaps? If I can't fix my computer without breaking a law - why even buy a laptop?

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